So far in my E11 build these have been the most challenging. To create a part from a vintage tube array without a real one to go by. I relied totally off of the replicas and the wonderful research on the

White site  … I salute all who how built these items from scratch they are not easy to do .

I going to post picture of my build, they are the interpretation of what I’ve seen in the movie, props builds and examining the posted data on the web.

I used some copper for the interanl on the main capacitors. Looks pretty nice. they should oxidize and look very powerful LOL

I used some copper for the internal on the main capacitors. Looks pretty nice. they should oxidize and look very powerful LOL


This is the first complete build with the metalmite capacitors and the resistors wired in the back..  In the

production ones I’ll zinc the steel to keep it from rusting, I am not sure  they will be painted black or let the buyer do it at thier discretion.

Seems a shame to cover of this detail with paint………………………………………………


Notice the detail on the resistors,, these are from a old electronic supply store. vintage 1940-50’s LOL

The 10 BA screw and nut were a real challenge to acquire in the states …. had to locate these in the UK, but i wanted it to be right. So many of the builds i see use standard screws and do not look correct.

vintage resitors

Vintage resistors, they really give it a classic look that cant be replicated

A,B,C after they come off the laser. going to do D,E next So the set will be complete.

A,B,C after they come off the laser.
going to do D,E next
So the set will be complete.

A thru E ready for tig

Power cylinder brackets A thru E ready for the tig

operation . Then a acid bath for cleaning.

A-E power cylinders after i have soldered the resitors and wired the metalmite capacitors

A-E power cylinders after i have soldered the resistors and wired the metalmite capacitors


50 + year old resistors , 1000’s of them   very lucky to find these…. plenty for future builds

vintage resistors

50+ year old resitors, perfect for the e11 blaster power cylinder future!

Some completed power cells ready for someones e11

A,B,C,D and the Tunisian E

A,B,C,D and the Tunisian E
Power cylinder shapes

Got alot of requests for the kit version so i put A-E on ebay today…This kit is alot of fun to build and should get alot of attention

E11 power cylinder kit

E11 power cylinder kit

metalmite capacitor shape

metalmite capacitor shape,,, 5mm X 26mm .. I need a radomizer for the rubber stopper shape every one of them in every pic or sample is different …AARGGGGG


metalmite capacitor comparison

metalmite capacitor comparison , thrown on the pile of some vintage ones,,,  they look very very close ..

New Version with the radius ends,,, way more accurate… the unfinished one has to return to the cnc for op2

metalmite capacitor v3

metalmite capacitor v3











Got all the kits a thru e readyimg_3714



IMG_4729 IMG_4730

For the guys building Mouse droids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










