another interesting replica to take on , the legendary chewy Bowcaster from ANH.. it starts off ( of course ) with this very rare Horton aluminum crossbow…. Like all the original trilogy replicas they seem to have found super hard to get stuff and i like to have them to create the best most accurate replica possible… i see to often these parts makers doing runs and don’t do the proper research or ever actually have a real vintage item.. So the search begun and no luck, Markus Odendal friend from the RPF is the only collector to have a real bow. well he is Germany Im in the USA . He began bey sending pictures and gave me a get contact here in the US from the RPF gotwookie !!! AKA Matthew Pfingsten thank God had one of these impossible to FREAKIN GET bows and trusted me enough to allow the 3d laser scanning to happen !! Many saw the unboxing on my FB page …. so let the scanning begin.
I see several runs of parts on the RPF and some 3d print files. ALL FUCKING WRONG lol
scaling the barrel sight and side knobs to scale is super hard but if you can get I thing I the picture sized correctly and the use the proper multiplier everything start to make sense.
knowing what size the bells on the scope are we use photoshop to size the picture to a known size.
Side plate and knobs………………… Markus send me pic of his
The greeblies knob search begins
The disc I already make!
Next part that need to be made, stamped is the sight mounts
knocking out the machining on the front sight assembly